Elder Nomination Spiritual Maturity Survey



Please set aside approximately 30 minutes to complete the Spiritual Maturity Evaluation.

I. Nominator Information

Your Information

II. Nominee Information

Information on the man you are nominating.

Please complete the following evaluation to the best of your knowledge on the man you are nominating. This evaluation of spiritual maturity is based upon the qualifications for biblical elders set forth in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, Titus 1:6-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and Acts 20:28.


First and foremost, a man becomes an elder through appointment by the Spirit of God, not because he decides to be an elder. That is his primary motivation.

Please evaluate this man's motivation for eldership.

Does he have a genuine sense that the Holy Spirit is calling him to be a shepherd of God's people?

Is his desire confirmed by the Spirit through the counsel of godly people in his life?

Does he have circumstantial evidence that the Holy Spirit has used him in shepherding others?

Has he had a history of recognizing the Spirit's confirmation of serving in other areas?


An elder must have a godly desire to do the work of overseeing the church, not just the position.

Please evaluate this man's desire for eldership.

Does his desire for being an elder reflect a godly motivation to shepherd, rather than a desire to advance himself?

Does he choose to focus on serving God's people above his own hobbies?

Does he see value in caring for people spiritually, apart from being an elder?

Would he willingly submit, without bitterness or anger, if it was decided that he should not become an elder at this time?


An elder is one who serves as an eager, willing volunteer (whether financially supported or not), for he is motivated by the return of the Chief Shepherd.

Please evaluate this man's eagerness to serve.

Does he show enthusiasm for serving in the church, even in the physical areas?

Is he the kind of person to help out readily when asked or where there is an obvious need?

Does he spontaneously show spiritual interest in people during fellowship times and before and after church meetings?

Does he willingly take on responsibility?


A man must not serve out of compulsion but in submission to the Spirit.

Please evaluate this man's willingness to serve.

Does he desire to be an elder without any foreboding, obsessive sense of heaviness?

If he is married, does his wife lovingly encourage him to become an elder, without pressuring him?

Does he genuinely desire to do the work of an elder without feeling that there is no alternative because the church needs leaders?

Has he dealt with all the hesitations of inadequacies, uncertainties, or doubts about being an elder?


Above reproach is the umbrella term over every other qualification. It refers to the public and private character and quality of the elder's life.

Please evaluate whether this man is above reproach.

Is it true that no one has an unresolved, justifiable complaint against him?

Do those closest to him (wife, relatives, friends) believe he is qualified to be an elder?

Is he free from unconfessed sins or negative traits that are obvious to others?

Is he open and vulnerable to accept constructive criticism about his personal life?


The elder must have a good reputation with those outside the Church; otherwise he will bring shame on himself and the Church, falling into the trap of Satan.

Please evaluate this man's reputation.

Do fellow employees and workers who are unbelievers appreciate and value him?

Is he honest, demonstrating integrity in business and personal dealings?

Is his social life a good testimony before non-Christians?

Do his neighbors respect him?


The elder must be an orderly, well-behaved man, enjoying respect from most people.

Please evaluate this man's respectability.

Does he generally seem to be a person who "has it all together" - his life seems well ordered?

Does his external appearance measure up to what is considered proper both biblically and culturally?

Does he spend time regularly in planning out his time?

Does he keep his priorities?


Holiness must be both experienced by and evidenced in the life of every church leader.

Please evaluate this man's devoutness.

Does he desire to please God more than people?

Does he have a strong prayer life?

Is he committed to obeying God and His Word regardless of the pressures or trials he goes through?

Does he acknowledge the value of other people's example in his life?


An elder must, by his manner of life and conduct, manifest the fruits of justification and sanctification. His piety should be evident in his conformity to the truth.

Please evaluate this man's uprightness/piety.

Is he fair and honest in his relationships with other people?

Does he listen to both sides of a discussion before coming to a conclusion?

Do others seek him out as a fair counselor?

Could he confidently and righteously lead in putting out of the church someone who deserved to be removed from fellowship?


An elder must live his life consciously as an example to the people under his care.

Please evaluate the kind of example this man is to others.

Do others look to him as an example of Christian faith and maturity?

Does he behave consciously in ways that others can imitate?

Is there evidence of others modeling certain aspects of their Christian lives after his example?

Does he have the desire to personally disciple others and has he done it?


Elders must be firm in conviction of the Word of God, faithful in communicating it, and fearless in correcting those who stray from it.

Please evaluate this man's faithfulness to the Word of God.

Is he united with the other church leaders on all areas of major doctrine?

Does he take a stand in discussions or interactions based on the Word of God?

Is he actively meditating on the Word, so that he can use it readily in his personal life and interactions with others?

Is there evidence that he is under submission to the Word of God (conviction of sin, repentance, change of view as a result from being shown Scripture)?


An elder, while not necessarily required to be a gifted teacher, must be capable of showing from the Bible Christian truths and defending right doctrine.

Please evaluate whether this man is able to teach.

Does he enjoy reading and studying the Word of God in preparation to share it?

Is there clear growth in the lives of those people with whom he shares the Word?

Does he freely share the Word of God in his interactions with people?

Does he participate well in small group Bible studies, showing an aptitude for being able to explain Scripture?


An elder must be able and ready to proclaim and teach the core doctrines of Scripture.

Please evaluate whether this man is able and ready to exhort sound doctrine.

Does he have a good grasp of a wide variety of biblical doctrines?

Is he willing to speak the truth in love?

Has he at times studied particular doctrines so that he knows what he believes from Scripture?

Is he capable of articulating doctrinal themes?


An elder must be able and ready to identify and refute doctrinal error in all its forms.

Please evaluate whether this man is able and ready to refute error.

Is he able to boldly refute someone who is teaching wrong doctrine?

Is he able to identify false doctrine when it arises?

Can he stand up to false teaching, even if it occurs in someone he respects?

Is he able to see and refute the subtle manipulations that false teachers use to gain a following?


An elder has a blameless reputation in his sexual and marital life. He is faithful to his wife and is not flirtatious.

Please evaluate this man's faithfulness to his wife.

Does he have a clear view of biblical teaching on divorce and remarriage?

Is he faithful to his wife physically and emotionally? If single, does he have control of sexual desires?

Do women in the church feel comfortable and non-threatened around him?

Is he open and honest about sexual temptation?


An elder is one whose children obey and respect his leadership in the home.

Please evaluate whether this man's children obey and respect him.

Are his children consistently wellbehaved in public, and do they respect adults?

Does he have a good, healthy relationship with his children, with them respecting him and his words?

Is he successful in not provoking his children to anger?

Do his children speak highly of him and respect him?


A man's ability to shepherd his family well is indispensable for managing God's family. This is a proving ground for the quality of his leadership.

Please evaluate how this man manages his household.

Does he enjoy leading his family spiritually?

Does he take the lead in training his children in character?

Is his house tidy, in good state of repair, clean?

Does he maintain a budget of his finances?


An elder loves what is good, which dominates his thoughts, establishes his priorities, and motivates his activities.

Please evaluate how this man loves God.

Are his closest associates godly people?

Does he dwell more on the goodness of God's grace in his life than on his failures and inadequacies?

Does he believe the best about others?

Does he have a hopeful and optimistic view of life, based on the Scriptures?


An elder must be sober-minded, in control of his inner thought life, his emotions, and his attitude.

Please evaluate whether this man is prudent/sensible.

Does he generally display good common sense, particularly in financial areas?

Can he give good counsel on matters dealing with personal relationships?

Does he consistently go to the Word of God when making important decisions?

Is he able to think creatively on how to see the church make progress?


While self-indulgence characterizes the life of the unbeliever, self-discipline is essential for every Christian, and especially for elders,who set the example for all believers.

Please evaluate whether this man is self-controlled.

Does he usually accomplish tasks on time?

Does he get to meetings on time?

Does he control his tongue?

Does he control his eating?


An elder should be temperate, that is, moderate or balanced in his thoughts, behavior, and use of good things - not be given to unwise or self-serving extremes.

Please evaluate whether this man is temperate.

Does he regularly deny himself liberties for the sake of benefiting others?

Can he enjoy the pleasures of life without being dominated by them?

Does he resist the temptation to become overwhelmed by discouraging circumstances?

Is he free from significant and uncontrolled financial debts?


An elder must not be a new believer, for he is ill-equipped for the propensity to pride in leaders and the assaults of the devil against them.

Please evaluate whether this man is seasoned enough as a believer.

Has he been a believer for a significant period of time?

Has he faced life experiences involving difficult, trying circumstances and succeeded?

Has he learned how to trust God's promises over time and see them fulfilled?

Has he shown proven character over time in serving in a church ministry?


An elder is not controlled by alcohol, does not use it in excess, and is not given to any other substance abuse.

Please evaluate whether this man is temperate in his use of alcohol, and whether he is free from all other substance abuse.

it true that there are no "consumptive" sins that have mastered him?

Does he make sure no freedom that he enjoys is causing a weaker Christian to stumble?

Is he sober emotionally?

Does he refrain from excessive drinking or taking addictive drugs?


Elders should avoid the love of money because it sets an example of wrong priorities and robs the Lord's people of His shepherding love, care, time and energy.

Please evaluate whether this man is free from the love of money (1 Timothy 3:3).

Does he trust God when tested financially?

Is he generous with his money when people are in need?

Is there evidence that he gives generously to the Lord's work in the local church and in missions?

Are his career choice and weekly hours worked influenced by his desire to serve people more than the desire simply to make more money?


Hospitality is characteristic of an elder, who includes others into his life and family circle.

Please evaluate whether this man is hospitable.

Does he often use his home to minister to people?

At church meetings, does he go out of his way to meet visitors or people he doesn't know?

Does he generally have a cheerful countenance?

Does he regularly invite people to church?


Elders must exercise their authority with gentleness that encourages others, and that invites those in need to approach for help.

Please evaluate whether this man is gentle.

Is he flexible to change his position on minor issues?

Is he a good and empathetic listener to people?

Is he kind and respectful toward those who are lowly or financially poor?

Is he able to secure the discipline of others without a show of authority?

Is he able to influence others without resorting frequently to a show of power?


An elder must not dominate the church like a master who has ultimate authority and power. He must be a servant-leader with all the other qualifications.

Please evaluate whether this man avoids lording over people.

Is it true that he does not use manipulation or threats to get his way?

Can he follow someone else's lead without resistance, even when disagreeing?

Does he show a willingness to be a team player?

Does he trust the Lord when others don't follow his lead, and not react in anger or manipulation?


While the elders must wrestle with difficult issues and, at times, challenge and confront wrong, they must not do so in an argumentative and quarrelsome manner.

Please evaluate whether this man avoids becoming quarrelsome.

Does he avoid foolish controversies or arguments about nonessential matters?

Does he promote peace, harmony, and unity when doctrinal issues are discussed?

Can he recognize good points in the views of other people with whom he disagrees?

Does he limit discussions and debate before they digress into argumentativeness?


An elder, like the God he serves and represents, should not be quick-tempered, but rather slow to anger, predisposed toward grace, compassion, and forgiveness.

Please evaluate whether this man avoids becoming quick-tempered.

Does he hold his temper well?

Is he quick to forgive others who have wronged him?

Does he generally rejoice in trials?

Does he generally refrain from correcting his children in anger?


An elder must not be arrogant because it will hinder his relationship with God, make him resistant to grace, and prompt him to use others rather than to serve them.

Please evaluate whether this man avoids becoming self-willed.

Has he surrendered his will to Jesus Christ in all areas of his life?

Is there evidence that at times he has set aside his own will on a decision to support the consensus of the majority?

Does he generally wait on the Holy Spirit's leading before making decisions?

Does he often ask for advice when making decisions?


In an increasingly violent world, it is vitally important that an elder be characterized by non-violence, thus modeling the character of the Lord Jesus in his earthly ministry.

Please evaluate whether this man avoids becoming violent.

Is he able to maintain a concern for others when personally offended by them?

Does he remain calm, not resorting to emotional or physical threats or becoming abusive when wronged by others?

Does his wife and children always feel safe around him?

Does he handle criticism well?