Elder Nomination Form


I. Nominator Information

Your Information

Are you a member of Central Church?

How many years have you been a member of Central Church?

Please affirm: I understand that only active members of Central Church may make nominations for candidates as Elders of Central Church. I affirm that I am an active member. I am involved in the ministry of Central Church, I faithfully attend the services of Central Church, and actively support Central Church financially through my tithes and offerings.

***Please type your full name and today's date into the eSignature boxes below to agree to the above statement.***

II. Nominee Information

Information on the man you are nominating.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge:

What do you know of this man’s conversion experience (becoming a Christian)?

Does this man have any previous experience serving as an Elder or other church leader? If so, please share further.

What do you consider to be the spiritual gift(s) of this man?

How has this man been serving at Central Church? In what ministries is he actively involved and/or leading now?

How has this man been serving in other ministries outside of Central Church?

Has this man ever been divorced? If so, what do you know of the circumstances of his divorce?

How has this man impacted your life to lead you to nominate him as an elder candidate?

How long have you known this person?

III. Spiritual Maturity Evaluation

The Spiritual Maturity Evaluation is a comprehensive questionnaire (based upon the qualifications for biblical elders set forth in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, Titus 1:6-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and Acts 20:28).

You must complete the evaluation of your nominee’s spiritual maturity to complete the nominating process.

When you click the "Next" button this form will be submitted and you will be taken to the Spiritual Maturity Evaluation. You will also receive confirmation email containing a link to complete the evaluation later in case you don't have time right now.

Please set aside approximately 30 minutes to complete the Spiritual Maturity Evaluation.